Xena’s run according to Wombat

Xena’s run according to Wombat

17 May, 2016  Run# 1964 Thinking the traffic was going to be a problem JAMMY, HOMEY and I, (WOMBAT), set off just after noon with our packed lunch and water bag and were pleasantly surprised when we arrived with at least half an hour to spare for the 7pm run. We only...
Occy’s run according to Thrifty

Occy’s run according to Thrifty

Run 1962  3/5/16 Our lovely hare and co hares for the evening were Occy, Rations and Squirt with I am sure a lot of help from the gorgeous Bandit. It was a touch chilly but luckily the rain held off as we wandered around the scenic streets of Maylands.  As we...
Lone Rangers run according to Occy

Lone Rangers run according to Occy

RUN 1961 26 April 2016 The Run The rain bucketed down relentlessly most of the day, washing away all traces of the trail the hares had set the day before. But when the skies cleared in the afternoon, off they trouped again to reset the trail and make all the...
Rambling’s run according to Wombat.

Rambling’s run according to Wombat.

22 March, 2016          Run# 1956 The night started with a terrific run on the freeway to RAMBLING’s squeeze GPS’ place in Canningvale. We got there with plenty of time to have a chat, open a nice red and relax……. perrrfect The first person I met was RICE BOWL who was...