by webmistress | Sep 18, 2020 | Special Runs
22/09/2020 Cowpat, Padbury 29/09/2020 Close to your Heart, South Perth 06/10/2020 Dynamo, Duncraig 13/10/2020 Shorty, Kingsley 20/10/2020 Tip’m, oktoberfest, Noranda 27/10/2020 TBA03/11/2020 Liberty, NOT the Melbourne Cup, Wembley10/11/2020 STC, Landsdale...
by webmistress | Aug 13, 2020 | Events, Weekly Runs
What a year -Covid changed our lives! Never before has a hash event had the scoop of the century with international guests.Olivier Newton John with her team of aerobic instructors, OTT, GG and Sprinkler who tried to get us exercising but only succeeded briefly, this...
by webmistress | Aug 11, 2020 | Weekly Runs
Run 2182 – 4 August – Aunty ValIt was the final run for the outgoing committee ‘The Caped Crusaders’. You could see the look of ‘yahoooooo’ on their faces. If Bumbo had to put another bottle of beer in her car, she would have resorted to drinking them even...
by webmistress | Aug 2, 2020 | Weekly Runs
Hare: Gorgeous Ballajura Bacchanalia Returnees Even Stevens – home from kicking back in Kalbarri for weeks Sam – had a better offer And a special welcome after ten years to Antz Pantz, Cheapy’s daughterRecent New Member – Deb – yet to be named,...
by webmistress | Jul 28, 2020 | Weekly Runs
Hare & Co-hare Coaster & ThriftyVisitor turned into a new member, welcome DebReturnees LuxxeSpecial runs No contendersBirthdays Super not in attendance (thinking of you Super)69’ers No contendersBitchy Britches Ballbreaker for commenting about Cheapy not...