Hare & Co-hare Coaster & Thrifty

Visitor turned into a new member, welcome Deb

Returnees Luxxe

Special runs No contenders

Birthdays Super not in attendance (thinking of you Super)

69’ers No contenders

Bitchy Britches Ballbreaker for commenting about Cheapy not needing a mask to be ugly

Droopy Boobs No contenders

CHARGES Crafty, Smudge, Showoff, something about wrapping some people in cotton wool, as some people were tripping over their own feet, going up drainage when there was a fence at the top and Ballbreaker as usual for who knows what.

New member Deb for asking what does she do with her “new member” form? answer, “Fill it out” and then forgetting her own phone number, careful Deb we are all on the lookout for your Hash name

Back at Coasters we were a chatty lot, nearly didn’t hear CIRCLE, Wenchy updated us on Ramblings health, we all send our love to you, come back soon

Maid Muffin told us long joke, we did laugh in the end, Cookie told us a fabulously funny joke and you know what I can’t remember what, but it was very funny

See you at my run next week, Thanking Thrifty & John for loaning me their back yard at BALLAJURA, so do not turn up at Toodyay or Scarborough

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