Puddles Run
The gathering of the harriettes at Mt Henry bridge scared off a lot of the local fitness enthusiasts – especially those looking for parking!!
Out the front (ie the parking lot), don’t loose the visitors and instructions from the hare Puddles. Then we are off through the streets of Bateman. Congrats to the hare for organizing a spectacular sunset to finish the run. Some harriettes were more interested in the river views than doing the last circle through the burbs but it was all good and we all finished at the same time.
There was then a change in SOP (standard operating procedure) and we had dinner before the circle. Damn stupid idea if you ask me!!!!
Circle – Tickets roped in as stand-in choir mistress
Hare – Puddles out the front along with the lighting assistant Screwdriver.
Visitors – Lara and Gina out for a drink, and they didn’t get lost!! But are they visitors or virgins!!
Bitchy Britches – Unravelled (as stand in for Nanny). No nominations as Tickets claims a free pass as she is busy tonight as choir mistress.
Droopy Boobs – some uncertainty about who has the DB but Topless seems to be the nominee for not knowing the Chinese NY animal when she wants to celebrate the Chinese NY at her run on 4 Feb.
Special Runs – 500 – Half Cut gets a second celebration as Cookie back to present her windcheater.
200 – Call Girl celebrates with a cake from Bright Spark
250 – Buttless celebrates with a big bowl of goodies.
Birthday – Ball Breaker celebrated a birthday but at the last minute decided she couldn’t make it. Cheapie was so disgusted that her efforts at cooking goddess had been snubbed that she stood-in for BB with a down down and handed out the cake anyway!!!
General Business – Cheapie thanked all for the support after the recent death of her mother
DIY announced that the PH3 website is now being updated.
Various theme runs and other club runs – see the newsletter
Cookie reminds us that when signing legal documents this year remember to specify 2020 not just 20 which can be easily changed to a different date.
Charges – none!!! We must all be getting ready for Xmas and being good!!
Jokes – Cookie back with a joke about a horny bull and the number of cows involved.
Returnees – Cookie, Cheapie, TWA, Leopard all back from holidays.
Start the Car took over from Tickets to start the song (with a little prompting from Commando!!)
On On to Warwick next week.