#2057 Blue Dress Run according to Topless
A great turnout of hashers from the different chapters for our Annual Blue Dress run, all united to support Motor Neurone Disease in memory of Waddles. One could see a sea of Blue…….. some dressed simply in blue and some dressed to kill and some dressed like a Surgeon eg. Bumbo and some dress alike like Buttless and Leech and some wearing blue wigs…….the list goes on.
It was a cool evening with lots of T checks keeping the group together and as we past the Fremantle Gaol, it looked beautiful in the night with the dim lights on.
Sarge & Xena were busy collecting money from the people sitting in the pubs and on streets. Many of the hashers didn’t manage to find the drink stop, so Bumbo and Moose had brought back lots of drinks of a combination of port wine and lemonade. It was very tasty with a touch of ice.
As usual we had burgers, steak sandwiches, fish and chips from Captain Munchies which was way too much, but this time the wait wasn’t so long perhaps they had more cooks.
At the circle, Shortie made a dedication speech on her memories of Waddles. Even though I never met Waddles but from what I have heard about her, she seems like a nice lady.
Hares: Puddles and Screwy were given a down down together with Shortie
VJ was given a down down for helping raising money. Suction charged Leech for being a short cutter, but actually she should have charged most of us for short cutting….hee….hee… especially those who ended up in the pub instead of doing the run. Sarge charged Buttless for coming to the run on a Golf cart.
Drinks for all the GMs from Numbats, West Coast, Crankers, Perth, Fremantle, Wanneroo, Rocky City, Hammersley etc. They all sang the Hash songs from their hash groups and one of the guys from Wanneroo really stood out with singing the song……wana….wana …..Wanneroo!
Phanger stuffed up the run…..I don’t know how. Rocky City GM announced the Pink Breast run on 17 April.#2