Salvo’s run 2017
Once again Shorty has come to the party and been hare for the Salvo’s run for the 21st time. I was on the committee back in 1996/1997 with Shorty, L Plate was GM, and Shorty suggested the Salvo’s run. The idea was embraced by the committee and the club members and has continued to be for 21 years. An astounding effort by all members/committees and Shorty.
This year we went back to Tomato Lake in Belmont, a good central location being just south of the river, and Shorty’s old stomping ground. Shorty grew up and went to school in Belmont/Kewdale. The run went past a few memorable places for Shorty.
There was a good turn out, I think 84 at last count, down a little on last year but still a great effort. The Salvo’s man, Nigel, car was chockers, I do not think we could have fitted too much more in, and a few people gave cash and vouchers which he gratefully accepted.
A few were surprised that Nigel was drinking beer and he was asked the question, he is an employee of the Salvo’s, not a “Salvo officer” so he can enjoy the beer. Nigel also represented the Salvo’s last year.
This year’s donations are going to a woman’s refuge in Highgate, they will take what they can use and the rest will be given to another Salvo’s branch for distribution.
Most clubs were represented, with Rocky City having a good turn out, together with Numbats, Hamersley, West Coast, Bullsbrook, Crankers etc.
Our circle was run by Sarge as the GM CTD and the OnSec Blewhe were both absent due to illness. Sarge ran a good quick circle which I overheard a few compliments about after.
The committee did a great job in getting (making) the food and collecting donations etc. Special thanks to Thrifty for helping out with the cash and going with Ricebowl to fetch the chickens.
On on to the Salvo’s run in 2018 and many more years to come after that.