We set off in search of Xena, with the help of Roll On’s phone giving direction’s. Arriving we found it was just after 7pm and the pack had just taken off — no worries say’s Roll On who took off at a great pace with her trusty Horn.
I thought we were going to Swan View but it seemed more like Smoke View due to the wood fire sending up lot’s of smoke with the help of a strong wind on a very cold night.
It seems to be a common theme now as Jewell’s had a tumble this week after she lent someone her torch — over she went on some Honkey Nuts, or so the story goes.
After another marathon run the pack starts to arrive back, some moaning, some not, can’t please everyone all the time. Apparently some of the slow runners (walkers) even done some of the FT’s. A stream that needed a running jump to get over followed by a quick check to make sure no-one had drowned was next, or was that a drink stop ???
The circle was called, Belated Birthdays to Anyname and DIY. Special Runs, Leopard for 750, well done, her cake was complete with flashing candles which sent up lots of chit-chat. Shorty has done an amazing 1000runs, what an achievement, although she had to make her own quilt (instead of a quillo). LTNS’s were Squirrel and Cactus. Bitchy Britches stayed with Kebab, Droopy Boobs went to Jewells for falling over. Charges — Jewells on Zena, Honkey Nuts again !! Crafty on Jewells and Zena, standing over a grate and peeing ??? Shorty on Dingbat, saw her first FT and was amazed. Delicious food to end the night created by Patrick. Well done and the phone needed to navigate us back home. ON ON. Close To Me.