Banger’s Run according to Bright Spark
As the heavens opened we all thought that we were in for a very damp run, however the sky cleared
at 7pm and the Harriettes were all their way
The youngsters ( Bangers children) ran ahead and guided the Harriettes through the streets of Greenwood
Back at Bangers house we were treated with warm tasty mulled wine and beautifully prepared chicken wraps.
Being Sarge‘s 70th Birthday , we had lots to celebrate. Champagne was pouring and Sarge’s friends took a
liking to Camel’s mulled wine.
There was a DD for Banger and her co-hare sister Stretch
Returnee drinks for Squirrel and Stretch
Visitors were Sarge‘s friends from ?Indonesia
The Droopy Boobs went from Roll On to Sarge for having perky breasts at 70 years of age !!
The Bitchy Britches went to Guide Dog
69’ers for Commando and Gorgeous
Belated Birthday wishes and a cake for Puddles from ButtLess
Shorty made and presented Sarge with an amazing 1,000 Run quilt.
Kebab made Sarge a magnificent 70th Poster
Bright Spark