It was lovely to be welcomed to Super and Mac’s beautiful new home.  The run set off quickly due to the impending weather. It was short but fun and we managed to get back dry. Some beautiful houses for us to see and some great scenery.

(Unfortunately I forgot I was supposed to be doing the write up so this is being done from very scratchy notes and memory at Melbourne airport after Ballarat whilst waiting for my fight home.)


RETURNEE:  Great to see Sloppy again

VISITOR: Welcome to Glenda

DROOPY BOOBS: Awarded to Banger for having all the headbands and forgetting where she put them!

BITCHY BRITCHES: Went to Call Girl


250 – Commando received a cake and we celebrated late as she actually did her 250th on the night of our 2000th.


DIY had a charge on Brightspark for not wearing a Hash shirt reversed.

Backseat – stayed home and watched a video instead of coming to Hash last week.


Dinner smelt great and looked good but unfortunately I had a plane to catch to Sydney so had to dash.


Thank you Super for a good night.