Run No. 2004 – 28 February 2017 – 44 Halvorson Road, Morley
With many Harriettes still away, having been to Ballarat for the Nash Hash, and others at the ‘Adele’ concert at Subiaco, an average-sized group gathered at Wenchy’s for the start. I thought the freeway would be jam-packed with people going to see Adele and we had been forewarned about chaos on the roads. However, the concert-goers wisely travelled by train and it was an easy drive up to Morley. Wenchy had only returned from Ballarat a few hours prior to the start, so a very big thank-you for a great run especially as you weren’t feeling that well. We wandered around the streets and I thoroughly enjoyed the run even though it was a trifle hot! My little group did get a little lost but I think we just about did the whole run. Thank-you to Wenchy & Blewhe for yummy roast beef & chicken, complete with trimmings.
The Circle was called by our GM, Camel:
Hare: Wenchy. Co-hare: Blewhe
Visitors: Tinker Bell & Heavy Breathing from England – they can’t stay away as I think it was their 3rd visit with us.
Returnees: Crafty – back from recent travels; Zip It, who has delighted us with her photographs from her trip to New Zealand with Xena & Patrick. And Deaconess en-route back to Toronto via Ballarat & Perth. Welcome back all!
Special Run: Mustang got the gorgeous gold foot for her 300th!
Birthday: Back Seat – cake & car (with a Back Seat look-alike sitting inside) courtesy of Gorgeous!
69er – although I think it was a 69.9 as she has been away working: Mary Poppins.
Bitchy Britches & Droopy Boobs – both AWOL – probably at Adele or wandering back over the Nullarbor.
Wenchy & Blewhe – for completing the Ball Breaker run at Nash Hash. Blewhe to recover from sore foot. Octopussy & Butt-Less also did the run but still travelling. A charge is owed to them!
We had a number of SHORTCUTTERS who managed to come home LAST and we thought were LOST: They were Aunty Val (couldn’t read the way on her phone!), Liberty & Gorgeous!
Just a reminder that next week is the BLUE DRESS RUN so please wear your 2000th shirt or anything else that’s blue and remember ON ON is 6.30pm in Fremantle. It should be warm – it won’t be raining or be freezing cold as in the past – so please try and be there in memory of our Waddles and for Motor Neurone Disease.
The Circle ended with our Song
Rice Bowl