Hare/co hare: Blewhe and Wenchy
Visitors: None
Returnees:  On Heat, Killer Queen, Homes James, Suction
New Members: None
Special Runs: 300 runs for On Heat, but one week early - thanks to Killer Queen.
Birthdays: Jam Tart but not at hash enjoying Melbourne cup
69ers: None
Bitchy Britches: Gorgeous now what was that for again I think something about Even Stevens going down
Droopy Boobs: Killer Queen for making On Heat's 300 run cake a week early
Killer Queen charging Mustang for calling her Rose 8 times during the run.
DJ charging Mary Poppins for saying DJ looks like a horse.
Guide dog charging Close To Me, she couldn't remember where she put her bag and had left it in her car!
Three cheers for Rice Bowl for organising the sweep for the cup. I think Lone Ranger won - she bought a new top with the money.
About the run: Great run, short and sweet.  We went to the park and we had a few games.  Back home for the game of the century playing with the horses' arse lent to us by Cookie. Three horses arses with malt teasers coming out of them.  The girls trying to catch them in their mouth - hilarious. Thank you Cookie hope you are on the mend.

Thank you Blewhe and Wenchy for a lovely meal of roast beef and lamb with yummy potato bake and salad. 
On On Ladies to 8 Tulip Place Dianella, please car pool as parking is limited. 4 cars can park at Dingbat,s place no 4, no. 8a can take 4 cars and no. 6 can take 2.