It’s another freezing night but with Summer in sight and needing to get those hot bodz into shape (tell her she’s dreaming) it is all the inspiration we need to get to Hash on a Tuesday night. Off course the camaraderie goes without saying

OASIS, isn’t she well named (aka florist in retirement) with such a lush and healthy garden, it sure looks like an oasis as well, great for a Summer run too with that lovely big pool. Spying the gorgeous pot plants at the front door, we debate the name of the plants, JEWELLS reckons she calls it chlamydia, I associate the name with clitoris, could they be clivias or hippeastrums? Fancy having a name that sounds like a venereal disease.

An apology from our Hare (sure) as there are lots of hills on the run, great work out for those gorgeous legs girls – do we dream of a bikini or would that be a nightmare!!!

I’d like to give a good account of the run, the truth is however, SAM’S conversation was so scintillating, I didn’t take too much notice. We did however notice the beautiful view and bright lights

on the hill near Poynter Primary School, no wonder Colonel Glen called us the city of lights.

On on to Oasis abode to wet the whistle and get on with the circle, SHORTY gives the run the thumbs up, that’s good enough for me.

DD Hares Oasis and Banger, I think Oasis may have had a tipple or two, couldn’t remember her daughter-in-law’s name (rendition of Dicky Di Do’s)

No visitors

Returnees Back Seat, No No and Stiffy

No special runs, no birthdays and no 69ers (catchy little tune of slack arses)

Bitchy Britches did this go to Topless for the wet t shirt competition, so much going on, I got lost (song, lift up your boobs)

Droopy Boobs Oasis, what celebration? Happy Little Harriette

Must say, I am really enjoying Tickets repertoire of bawdy songs – is this her miss spent youth with the rugby boys or a talented songstress? Halo indeed.

Hope our CAMEL enjoyed being at the Oasis, thanks for a lovely short circle, my legs loved it.

Even though OASIS must have been doing a bit of swigging from the bottle, she did produce a lovely lasagne and salad, thank you for a great night.

On On

