Coldest night in Perth for 5 years and I think Freo was even colder!
Most Hashers were well rugged up but a couple appeared in little BLUE strapless dresses, brave men indeed! And the 14 Harriettes who came along had a fabulous time.
WOMBAT called the flock to order before we turned a deeper shade of blue to listen to instructions from the hares… BUTT-LESS and Screwy.
We had a fabulous run through the streets of Fremantle, although those streets were surprisingly quiet. The pubs were too but there were some very generous souls there as we rattled our cans looking for donations for MOTOR NEURON DISEASE SOCIETY.
Up and down and round about we ran to the drink stop at the Roundhouse. Port and lemonade had us warmed and smiling, then on home to Munchies for burgers.
WOMBAT called Circle!
Great run thanks Hares.
TICKETS filled in as Choir Mistress, armed with- I think a “Light Sabre” blue of course. We heard a few new songs & a couple of oldies: something about The Hairs on her… and what you could or couldn’t do with a cucumber!
Virgins to BDR: Q (looked way too young to be out at night and with those Hashmen) and SUCTION, just wanted to keep him company.
Birthdays: RATIONS, Mullet & XY. No cake GM!
General Business: HARRIETTES 2000th rego’s open, Rocky City – Kojonup weekend.
Charges: Grinder (West Coast) for making phone call in the circle. Someone suggested it was to Tinder which he vehemently denied.
Pink Bits (Freo RA) was called out and given a drink. She was deemed responsible for arranging with the wonderful weather.
All GM’s were called out the front to say their name, club and lead them in song.
(don’t quote me on this)
Barron – Hamersley
AJ – Perth Hash
Crater – West Coast
Pink Bits – Hills Hash
Whore-der – Mandurah
Mr Wong – South of Perth
Thunder – Rocky City
Diesel – Friday Hash
Finishing with our HARRIETTES’ song.
ps: There was a discussion about changing this event to a warmer time of the year. Fund raising for MNDS is suffering because the event isn’t being supported by Hashers and there are not a lot of people out and about the streets of Freo. It was suggested the Palace Run, held the March long weekend, be replaced with the Blue Dress Run.