Run 1947 – Thrifty’s Run – 19/1/16
Ok – surprise, surprise – I lost my notes from this run but with a bit of help from my friends: Google and Perth Harriettes Facebook Group – here it is!!
Where did that rain come from? (4mm of it ([thanks Google!!) on a pleasant 26.3 0 day the rain came and washed poor Thrifty’s trail away! Lucky returnee runners Occy and Rations were back with us to lead us astray through the streets of Ballajura.
On On we ran with our live hares doing a great job, despite some of us chatterboxes losing our way but easily finding our way home.
Circle is called with a down down to Hare Thrifty and Co-Hare Coaster.
Another down down to our live hares (Occy & Rations) to thank them for their brilliant leadership and orienteering skills. Hang on a minute… they then shared a water for
the down down! That is not a good influence to us Perth Harriettes!
We welcomed visitor Jo and our Old/Young member Legs 11 (who still has the best legs in town!!) Great to see her back again and we hope to see her more regularly in
Down down to the travelling returnees: Deaconess, Halfcut, Rations, Gossip Girl and Octopussy with most not having forgotten how to drink during their absence.
Bitchy Bitches to GG and Droopy Boobs to Kebab (for face-planting during a squat on weekend and sporting the battle scars!) – One squotta drinks, all Squottas drink -thanks for the support Squotta – I need some tips!
Down down to Suction – for showing us her beautiful sparkly-arkly commitment ring.
Down down to Commando – congratulations on the FANTASTIC new job! (LOL -sadly this turned out to be a false trail and it’s back to the lucky lady of leisure for Commando! Was worth the drink anyway!)
Down down to Cleo for 150 runs and another one for not bringing bitchy britches
A scrumptious dinner of chicken and plenty of yummy salads (enough for lunch tomorrow even!) followed with cake for sweets but sadly no rocky road (stop teasing us Wombat!)
Great night – thanks Thrifty and Coaster!