#1951 16/2/16
What a hot night for a run!!!! The temperature during the day had peaked at 40 and according to the car on the way to Blew He’s it was still 36!!!!
We gathered out the front to hear the directions from the Co-Hare, Wenchy as Blew He was out marking the run!! All on chalk, runners and walkers trails, then it was On On and b****er off! Was it my imagination or was the pack moving at a slower pace due to the heat, or maybe it was just me not enjoying the lingering heat of the day??!!! We meandered through the streets of Dianella checking out the old established and the new duplexes etc, bottle-necking at a number of checks whilst the energetic amongst us ran out the checks and determined the next direction. This worked until about 25 minutes into the run where our ‘hounds’ lost the scent of the ‘out’ trail. Whilst searching for the way forwards the home trail was discovered. Decisions, decisions….do we continue to look for the out trail or do we head for home? We all deferred to the GM for divine guidance. Her high GMness obviously took pity on our red, sweating …err …..umm….I mean ‘glowing’ faces and led us out of the wilderness calling ‘On Home’.
Once back home the drinks flowed and the nibblies were eagerly consumed until Circle was called.
- Loretta, one of Tutti Fruitti’s rellies was warmly welcomed. She displayed her prowess with the down down completing the task in one fell swoop!!
New Members:
- Close To Me (who joined last week) was presented with her goodies bag – Club T Shirt, Annual, etc etc. Once again ‘welcome’, CTM
Special Runs:
- 200 Runs No No.
DJ presented her with a big basket of lollies - 300 Runs
Yummy toasted coconut marshmallows made by Thrifty to celebrate - 150 Runs Blew He.
Wenchy not only was assistant chef; co-hare; etc etc, she also made a delicious cake to acknowledge the occasion!!
- Xena celebrated her 45th birthday (she tells us she’s dyslexic) and happily blew out the candles of a delicious choccie cake baked by Zip It
Herk Bear:
- As usual, with Rotto the previous weekend Herk Bear found a new home. Leopard very merrily downed a quantity (I think she lost count) of Kebab’s Friday evening cocktails (including the worm at the bottom of each and every shooter). Kebab aptly named the shooter the ‘Mexican F**kerupperer’ and I think it succeeded in doing just that to Leopard the next day (and maybe the entire weekend). Leopard’s defence was that she was allergic to the worm!!…yeah sure Leopard!!!
- Blew He was a contender but she claimed it was sea sickness due to the ferry ride on the way home……
Droopy Boobs: (MIA):
Possible contenders had they been available:
- Roll On, for using fake tan as toothpaste at Rotto
- Gorgeous, for accusing all and sundry at Rotto of ‘stealing’ her Harriettes towel before taking a second look at the one on the line that clearly had her name on!
- Half Cut, for using toothpaste on her face instead of moisturizer (again at Rotto)
(Were these incidents also due to the ‘worm’????)
Bitchy Britches:
- Lone Ranger scored them again after making the comment after Coaster hurried out of the way of traffic: “Did anyone she that, Coaster was actually running??!!!”
- Lone Ranger and Roll On were given a down down for once again organising a magnificent Rotto weekend which included the Mexican themed Friday night and the second annual Amazing Race which included a Treasure Hunt. One of the items included in the hunt was a ‘honky nut’. Unbeknown to the hunters there are none on the island!!
- Lone Ranger charged Roll On for not knowing what a ‘honky nut’ was…..it’s definitely not a pine cone!!!
General Business:
Lots of GB (that’s General Business No No, not Goat’s Breath J) most of which is in Camel’s Droppings or on the website. Stuff that I don’t think is:
- Subs
For those of you that pay quarterly – Sub are due – see DIY if you’re not sure of your financial status. - Haberdash
(Deaconess) has plenty on offer (Hash items that is!!!): car stickers; tank tops; visors etc etc, all at bargain basement prices, get in early and get a free set of steak knives (apparently)!!! - Bali Interhash
See Jewells re event (dinner?) on the night before the Red Dress Run - Skorts
DJ is placing another order for skorts. Black, blue, white and red (for Red Dress Runs). Let her know ASAP if you want one or more. - Camel’s Droppings
Camel sends the newsletter every week – usually on a Sunday. If you are not receiving it in your inbox ensure you have done the following:
To ensure that you see all the images in the newsletters – please try one of the following in your email program:
- add to safe senders
- add news@perthharriettes.com to your address book
- manually download images
- mark as ‘not’ junk mail
- always trust this sender
- Lost Property:
Lots of losers having to front up to collect their lost property
Cookie delivered her joke in her usual style which left us all laughing as stand-in Choir Mistress Tickets lead us in ‘Who wants to see a miracle….’
The line was quick to form to get stuck into the delicious noodle, Asian style vegies and chicken as the aroma had been tantalizing us all evening, and with enough cakes/lollies to go round no one would go hungry!!!