Run # 1934   20/10/15
Many Thanks to Zip it and co hare Xena for a great run. We ran for 50 minutes with lots of FTs and Checks. Shorty kept us all together as always and made sure none of us got lost. We ran 7km on a beautiful warm and wind free evening, perfect!. God knows what happened to the walkers, I think there was some short cutting going on because when we got home, the walkers looked very comfortable. Good fun was had by all.
  • Hares: Thanks to Zip it and co hare Xena for all their hard work.
  • Visitors: Katie, Concord and Adam, Maison(comet and Adams beautiful baby)
  • Returnees: NoNo, Suction, Sarge,Camel,and Comet.
  • New member: Maison? who knows
  • Special runs: Zena, the superstar with 350 runs
  • 69ers: Kebab 569 phew!
  • Bitches britches: Bumbo voted for Camel but we all think Camels too nice to be bitchy. So they went to Pumpkin, who told someone not to treat someone too nice or she’ll keep coming back.
  • Droopy Boobs: Leopard. She wanted to keep them to give them to someone at Dunsbrough, and she had a tale about getting a cumquat pip stuck in her throat.
  • Charges: Crafty, who was living up to her name by explaining to Kebab how to down down a 69. Soo funny. She told her to “just loosen the nuts” and said something about experience always wins over enthusiasm. Tipem broke a marble table? Kebab sang a down down to them all but didn’t know why.
  • Special Runs: Cookie, just because she’s special, Muffet and myself were presented with our 100 runs engraved feet. Thank you. I was laughing so much I couldn’t drink my down down and had to throw it over my head. ugh! won’t do that again, I was sticky for the rest of the evening.
General Business: Dunsbrough at the weekend, Whoo Hoo!!!! only 2 more sleeps to go.
Nunbats have a Sundowner, Bullies have a Octoberfest run and Crankers ride is 1st November.
Also we were talking about bringing our own plates in the future as our plastic ones are not being dried properly.
Salvos collection began, see Shorty. Halloween run at mine next week, Bumbo wants her chair back, she left it somewhere. DJ has arranged another monthly get together.
The always funny Cookie told a joke about erections, farting, and old men, hilarious!.
A fantastic night as always. Well done everyone.
On on, Sphinx