Run: 1888


Good run, lots of false trails which kept the pack together.

Thanks to Sqota and husband, Silvio, for a lovely BBQ dinner.

Sqota is renovating so it was bit tricky going to the loo – no door handle!  Not sure if anyone got locked in …..

Did anyone notice GG’s straight hair?  Apparently it takes four hours!  Why anyone would spend 4 hours straightening their hair is beyond me – unless of course they have a drink in their hand for the entire four hours and I suspect that might have been the case!



  • Deaconess recently back from the US was given a down down as she went to the VBurger Bar (Sam’s run next week!) – must be all that spending on the credit card that made her a bit dizzy.

Oh no, camera has gone missing but Coaster comes to the rescue in time for photos.


  • Rations – 200 runs

Circle had a demonstration of DJ’s special cups – it was suggested that now that she is not working she has plenty of time to wander around the shops and find “stuff”.

  • Moose – 69er but not happy about it!  Too bad …


  • NoNo (no friends, no cake)
  • Teflon Tart (fruit platter, yum)
  • Kebab (special cake made especially by Miss Mauds and packed in a lovely box for Anyname!)


  •  Go to Roll On for another week as no contenders



  •  Sqota to Bumbo for driving away from the run last week as she lost her car – that doesn’t make sense but it is what I wrote down!
  • Jewells on DMD who left five casks on the Hamersley bus after the Salvos Run!  Just as well Jewells is sleeping with a Hamersley man otherwise we wouldn’t have got them back!
  • GG on DJ for drinking too much wine in the Hamersley bus at the Salvos Run – she lost her file/ lost her car keys then next day she discovered the car door was left open with the keys still inside – AND SHE LIVES IN NOLLAMARA!!

Not sure who got the droopy boobs after all that!


  • Lone Ranger reminded everyone that the Rotto dates are 13th and 14th February 2015, other stuff TBA.
  • Busselton Ladies Lunch – tickets selling fast!
  • Christmas Party next week – reminder that it is a ‘White’ Christmas theme
  • Sam’s Run –  best way to enter via Woolworths petrol station (unfairly given a down down for late notice of venue, since when is that a crime, I took a lot of time to find that special place!)


  • Liberty is a fanny nanny granny again
  • Chop Suey has new shoes
  • Loner Ranger on Kebab and Bumbo – both had long pants with one shorter than the other
  • Teflon Tart as NOT the Mother of the year as she took her 7 year old son to the trots and consequently lost him and a security guard brought him back.  He went missing again and a message  was relayed over the intercom – guess who went and picked him up – Puddles!!
  • Several disrespectful people were charged for sitting down in the circle. That privilege is reserved for our 1000 runners ladies.

That’s all folks!!
