RUN: 1880  –  07/10/2014            

HARE:     Suction, Kebab, Mustang and Suzanne

The Run:
What an absolutely beautiful night for a run. The Hares directions were very precise and we even had a drink stop……. very swish for a Virgin Hare. Rations lead the way as we raced up the first of many hills. Those hills had some tricky little false trails on them and at times I thought I was up with the angels….. which, speaking of angels, where is Headbanger with those wings? I reckon she’s earned herself a down down for nicking off with them.

Lucky for the drink stop/ refresher at Embryo’s house where we got to meet the gorgeous Marlee. Embryo chatted to us about Rett Syndrome and how it’s affecting Marlee and the family. You could hear the sadness in her voice when she told us she had to give the communication device back in 3 weeks. There world is going to return to one of frustration and tantrums……and that’s just from Embryo hehe!!! We had such a lovely stop that Mustang lead us straight home….well!!! Most of us. There was some devious little hidden lane way, easily missed by people happily chatting as they wandered along…….. wasn’t there Camel (who also managed a little curb side pickup)!!


  • Suction, Kebab, Mustang, Suzanne. Not only did they have the looks, they could set a run too.

Hope you come back:

  • Butter Buns, Horney Flasher, Hoareda, Susan

Welcome back to:

  • Backseat, Dynamo, Roll On, Lone Ranger, Camel

Fanny Granny Nannies:

  • Cleopatra, Roll On both welcomed beautiful Harriettes

Special Runs:

  • DIY 50
  • Foot Presentation:
    • Xena 300
    • Cleopatra 100


  • Headbanger (AWOL)

Bitchy Britches:

  • DIY was charged for insisting on checking the arrows after Guide Dogs’ OnOn call. (Jewells felt this was unfair as she says it’s the truth about GD.)

Droopy Boobs:

  • Deaconess has done it again!!!
    Pie eyed, she has fallen over and rebroken her wrist…… Can’t Assassin tame her???

General Business:

  • Xena on the website that follows the Hash rules….there are none!!  The calendar is is misbehaving at the moment and has been removed from the website….hopefully all will be good soon and operating as it should!
  • Commando and her call for subs …. money, money, money
  • Friday                  October 10th              Movie and coffee with MP & DJ (coffee haha!!)
  • Saturday             November 15th        High Tea for Marlee
  • Wednesday         November19th            Freo Docs & Nurses
  • Friday                  November 28th           Gloucester Park



  • Xena charged Nina for queue jumping at the joint run. Apparently she knows the Rocky City GM and decided to use her contacts to get fed first last week……possible naming there!!
  • Homey got charged for wanting to call her after our beloved Seagul…. lucky those britches had been handed over already.

I think hunger got the better of everyone’s tongue so Xena lead us into song.

The Meal:

Suction served a delicious hot roast beef roll and salad. We thoroughly enjoyed DIY’s run cake (which true to her name she made herself) and yay!!! The weather was warm enough for ice-cream in a cone….YUMBO

Great run Hares! Great food Suction! Great company all you wonderful Harriettes!

OnOn to my place next week.
