CO-HARE: Liberty
It was a warm night and a great turn out of around 50+ Perth Harriettes, in lots of PINK of course, our traditional colour of choice.
Shorty’s loud ‘whistles managed to attract attention and announce that the run was ‘on’, not without alerting the whole food hall.
GG did the honours to explain the run. I think Seagul didn’t have the voice to be heard over all those nattering or is she just too shy. The run was on chalk and flour it was said and just out through the carpark and off into the depths of Wembley. Over the road and down towards Jolimont and heaven knows where else. I was talking too much to notice. A few false trails and a few short cutters through the park. I think they followed a Harriette who thought she was going to have a pee unseen….not so. Before long, probably about 45 minutes found ourselves back in the food hall and straight to order our food. A nice long table was reserved for us.
After food GG called the circle and visitors out the front. Namely Suzanne, Nina,Sarah and Nat.
- Our little Running Bare with gorgeous little Bare who is now about three.
- Tip’m is back from tripp’in.
- Super back from the North with a nice suntan and looking healthy.
Special Runs:
- DJ 650
- Xena 300 runs
- Deaconess 250 runs
- Cleopatra 100 runs.
Congratulations to all:
- Anyname
- Seagul had a 69er for her birthday. What does that tell you. Shorty 869 runs, lucky for both no p***s was to be seen.
Bitchy Britches:
CTD nominated by Sarge but charge denied and Sarge got to keep them. Good try!
Droopy Boobs:
- DMD and Sqota for forgetting splash, charge deferred until next week.
- Camel for coming to Wembley last week instead of going to Cookies run. Duuhhhhh……Camel got them!!
- Tip’m is a granny fanny yet again, how many is that now???
- Occy charged Wenchy for scaring some poor guy who told us to ‘pick up our game’. She called him a lazy prick which he probably deserved.
General Business:
- Don’t forget Rocky City Bogans Run on 18 – 19 October. They support us so try to support their 1250th Celebration.
- Dunsborough is the weekend following…not sure if there are anymore places available…see Jewells for info
- A salute to JK from Hamersley who sadly went to Hash heaven. A great guy – to be missed by all who knew him.
GG’s joke to close:
What would happen if we had pink cars all over Australia.
Answer: Australia would be a pink car nation (pink carnation) get it. Ha Ha!!!
With that Sarge proceeded to stand on a chair and lead the Harriettes song which echoed through the hall……
Circle closed early at 8.45pm. That would be a first and it wasn’t even raining.