Gossip Girl tried to be ready muttering ‘ spectacles, testicles…’  Comments flew about her pink tiara beanie, then ‘I saw you in Big W with that.’ She began with thanks to Hare Even Stevens and Co-Hare Chris, for a wonderful run and meal.


Visiting from Singapore was Jackoff.  Jackoff heads the Singapore Harriettes.  She cocked her leg to show her five-finger shoes. Apparently as the shoes are very like bare feet, that is, protection but no support; they force runners to strike off the ball of the foot. This reduces strain on legs and hips.


Teapot, Muffet and … returned.

We welcome Elaine as a new nameless member.


Congratulations to Firefly, with the hot hairdo, on 100 runs. Matchbox presented a striking sparkly blue tinderbox cake.


Happy Birthday Sarge, wherever you are and what was said won’t be written down.

Wenchy’s rum balls came with a ‘drink responsibly’ warning. Happy Birthday Wenchy and revenge might be required for the rousing round of ‘old grey mare’!


Tip’M  had the Bitchy Britches and  tried to give them to Lone Ranger but instead gave them over to Roll on for hitting her with her deodorant cap. Zena thought it was genetic – tee hee.


Poor Lone Ranger tried to think of excuses for not having the droopy boobs. She got to keep them for saying they have been looking at her from in her drawers…’drink up for not having a hash shirt’ was the call.


Charges included: Jules for being a late fill-in GM; gossip Girl for charging Jules; Nightfill for saying ‘you go up – we want to see who we are getting rid of’ and finally Cookie for her very ernest advice regarding how super-sided Modess pads will do a king size favour to all bike riders’ fannies!


  • A lost pink beanie was waved.
  • Tuti Fruiti has cheap pink singlets.
  • Muffet’s driveway is steep, bumpy and slippery so please take care at the run on 15th July.  It’s best to not park near the house as it’s at the end of the cul-de-sac.
  • Please pay up your fees ready for the AGM.
  • Please remember to sign the runs book.