7.00 pm and off we set around the pretty as a picture Jane Brook Hills, LOTS OF CHATTING AND CATCHING UP was heard during the run. Lots of short cutting and an unplanned drink stop for some Harriette’s at Goatsbreath house lol.
On to the circle. The illustrious GM, called all the girls together and some amount of quiet. Radio Gaga, James, Mitchell and Jackie were called together for a down down and a great virgin run. Cowpat and No No had a drink for finally finding their way to a run. Lone Ranger was called forward for her 100th run – no not for talking during circle He he!!! Wenchy OOPS left the Bitchy Britches home, guess what she keeps them and was awarded the Droopy boobs…..bugger!!
General Business:
- Can all the lovely Harriette’s please pay their subs early cause of all the nasty people going the Brussels. If you pay your subs early you will be given a higher rating on the like scale.
- Don’t forget the EX GM’s run soon.
- Tutti Fruitti found some pink jackets at Mirrabooka cost $49 bucks.
Charges: Well there was heaps of chatter and it was hard to hear much…
- GG had a drink for sending another messed up email, her excuse was too much red wine he he he.
- Xena was naughty but my notes are a bit vague….sorry Xena
- Wombat got the poxy…………. but she is going on holidays On Heat, Mustang, GG and Skimpy were charged for being nude, better get my hearing checked I think.
Sorry this took so long to submit this write up…..but in my defence, I was a little pissed on the night and forgot where I put my notes which I eventually found in the boot of my car and I also hurt my foot and it was hard to hobble to my computer.
On on NO NO