T’was a very dark and cool night in Leeming that we ventured to Rice Bowls house. I take my hat off to our hare Rice Bowl with no co hare, set she a great run with perfectly straight arrows. A very well set run!!
We welcomed “Next Week”, our visitor, who very easily downed, her down down.
There were no special runs or birthdays so no cake. So we can all stay skinny this week.
Finally, after much hoopla, Fiona finally got name… aptly Teflon Tart. Nothing sticks to her!!!
There were no Bitchy Britches so Wenchy retains them and the Droopy Boobs will continue to be held by Tickets for another week.Charges go to Bumbo and Chop Suey who both walked straight past the house, both chatting away and in good knows what land. Shorty and Wombat were telling them to turn left and continued on to chase a guy in his running gear mistakenly thinking he was a hasher. The eyes are always searching for MEN!
The meal was fantastic Rice Bowl, yum yum!!