While the cat’s away, the mice will play!! BB’s parents were out for the night (last year they were away!) so good excuse to have a run/party at the Dempsey’s in Marmion!!! Yay!!
GM, Anyname was resting from her recent Bali trip so stand-in GM, Gossip Girl welcome us all and particularly our visitor Greta (who had found our club on the net) and GG gave us strict instructions not to lose her.
On On across the road through the Star Swamp Bushland, turning right towards the beach, only 5 minutes into the run and oh… where is Greta?!! How could we lose her so fast??!!! Perhaps she had run past us with those long legs?? Looking, looking, back tracking, nope – no Greta!
A group offered to look along the beach and head towards home whilst the pack headed along West Coast Highway, fighting off all the runners running the wrong way! Some SCB’s kindly offered to head home and see if Greta was back there. Great run through the streets of Marmion (with a few suspicious looking arrows, making us think a Hamersley man had set the run!), Braden Park, Marmion Primary School, lots of false trails and pack stayed together fairly well.
Along the way some visitors from ????? caught up with us.
Upon returning home, Greta had made her way there!!!
Circle was called and the stand in GM thanked BallBreaker and Coops for a well set run and BB confirmed Coops had set it.
Greta (a definite runner), Tinka Bell and Happy Breathing
Welcome back to Arzy (her down down involved Gossip Girl having to stand on a chair to be higher than her!!!)
Happy birthday to Blew-He (with an explanation from Cheapy as to how Blew-He got her name not believed by many, but it is true!!!)
And speaking of….
Special Runs:
Tip’m celebrated her 869’er, showing the girls exactly how it’s done! Well done Tip’m!!
Bitchy Britches:
Tickets to GG for Queensland comments. Attempt to reverse charge as GG was stand-in GM but no takers!
Droopy Boobs:
Woopsie – CTD has droopy boobs again for forgetting to bring them!
General Business:
The Thon needs to be paid – make sure you contact GG or Commando re payment. Meeting on 15/2 at 3.00pm at CTD’s to discuss anything Brussels. Please confirm your attendance with CTD. Red Dress Run rego’s are all sold out.
Rotto – any queries text Jewels who is busy cruising around Phuket and will love to be bothered by Rotto queries!!
- Lost property from Aussie Day at GG’s – Donald’s jocks!!! Nice one DJ – the mind boggles!
- Jam Tart – something about Bruce Springstein – she was probably out with him – she’s always with celebrities!
- Shorty charged Super for thinking a Water Corp arrow was our arrow!
- Kebab charged for not providing Deb with a Perth Harriettes top YET!!
- Greta charged Arzy for helping get her lost. Apparently Guide Dog had tried to head her in the right direction and Super took her off her, but really I’m sorry but I still don’t know how Greta got lost!
Circle closed with Gossip Girl changing our song to “Who wants to be a Millionaire!”
Scrumptious dinner of chicken and salad. And a visit by Mr & Mrs Dempsey – oh, they want their home back!!!
Thanks BB, Coops and the Dempsey’s – another great run! (Even if it was set by a Hamersley man…..!!!