Crafty and Bill
Leanna ( Double D’s daughter) and Rusty
Jewells, Leopard and Ball Breaker, in the background Home James is looking for the cake that has been moved but found and presented to Jewells with a tiara on top.
Guide Dog
Special Runs:
Butt-Less 100 runs
New Members:
Debbie…keep an eye on her for an (in)appropriate hash name girls!!!
Bitchy Britches:
Cheapy passed them on to Xena for saying Crafty was an antique when speaking to Bill.
Droopy Boobs:
Seagull retained them as there was no contenders.
General Business:
Has anyone got photos from GG’s Xmas run? Rotto was $85 but $90 is needed.
- Bumbo for re-gifting an item that was given to her by Commando
- Lone Ranger for not knowing the dates of Rotto also not on the list
- Double D brought a tape measure as the challenge was set by Gossip Girl as to who has the bigger boobs between the two of them.
- Rusty offered to measure them Gossip Girl wasn’t there, Rusty said he was willing to come back next week to measure them, Cheapy said he should have offered to weigh them!!
- Radio Ga Ga and Suction for not having Hash shirts
- Rusty for coming to the run for a feed
- Kebab for the young painter that was painting her house and find her penis toys under her bed!!
Crafty thanked everyone for bringing their donations for the Red Cross
Song was sung and then we had a lovely dinner that was provided by Crafty