Hares: Cookie & GPS
We arrived at Cookies with minutes to spare. What are all these men doing here? Turns out it was a joint run with Freo Hash. The more the merrier. Buttless calls us out the front and introduces the visitors and explains there is a cutoff point for the walkers. The runners set a cracking pace and the walkers were soon left behind. The trail was set on the paths and walkways alongside the water. The walkers trail went over the bridge back along the streets to home. I believe the runners crossed the railway line a couple of times and got back to Cookies about 15 mins later than the walkers.
After a couple of coldies the circle was called and Jointly chaired by out stand in GM Anyname and Freo GM Buttless.
The hares Cookie & GPS had the first drink. Then visitors Mandy, Sheena, Lelana, Rose, & Walter (Screwi’s dad).
Harriette’s special runs – DJ- 569 who handled the big blue one with exceptional skill and Super – 350 runs.
Freo – I think the gentlemans name was FUCKING NEAR WATER – for a mere 25 runs, Spackle & Goldilocks for 100 runs although there was some discussion in regard to Goldilocks claim to fame.
The charges came thick & fast.
Zippy for a long lost mug.
Gaylord for getting carried away with the local duck population.
Mustang & Dynamo for carrying the eskies not wheeling them (They are not even blonde)
Wenchy for crossing the road. Must have been an example as lots did the same.
Greyhound for limbering up before the run to impress our California girls visiting.
Goldilocks no hash gear (What?? after 100 times turning up )
Wisecrack for grabbing a chair off the verge and putting it in her car
Cheapy & Kebab for lying about running
Mandy for a fainting spell on the run
Sir Galah & Mandy for sex on the run (Explains the fainting spell)
Rose & Cookie for no hash gear
Zena for a lost dagger???
Horny had new shoes and Butter Buns drank out of the other one for dobbing her friend in.
Both clubs sang there song and instantly there was a cue for food. My these Freo hashers are certainly quick. Cookie prepared salad and burrito’s against all odds ie. A broken refrigerator.
Thanks Cookie for a great night evidenced by the lateness of the night.
On On