RUN 1897   3/02/2015

What a dreadful day for a hash run. Trails all washed out but that did not deter the ever faithful Harriettes from turning out in numbers. Roll On assisted by several other front runners did a live hare around the streets of Osborne Park using lots of prompts and imagination. No one got lost and the gods did end up smiling on us. The rain went away for the circle.

The circle was called and Lone Ranger got her down down for haring.


  • Firefly from NZ briefly before she flew out again to Brazil
  • Teapot


  • Screwdriver and XYX got a down down. As did Firefly for wearing a Hamersley shirt!!!

Special Runs:

  • Pumpkin did 950 runs….Congrats!!!


  • Aunty Val
  • Blewhe

DJ had a 69er.

Bitchy Britches:

  • Tip’m I think got Bitchy Britches for comment about our GM at skit practice.

Droopy Boobs:

  • Went to Squota for leaving the plug out of the eskee and wetting her car.


  • Aunty Val, Liberty, Mary Poppins, DJ , Wenchy, Oasis and Banger were ALL talking.
  • Tip’m for circle disruption.
  • Firefly for jetting off again to Brazil with Blewhe.
  • Sam was charged also but I can’t read my notes.

Lovely chilli dinner was served up. Thanks Lone Ranger for a good night.