T’was a beautiful night in Duncraig… calling all Harriette Grooms (what a mighty handsome bunch that scrubbed up for celebration of the VERY FIRST BEATON wedding of the year), Scottish celebrations always start early until the main event which will take place on a very sacred day Friday 13th   December.

Trail was marked so in tune to the celebration… at the checking point, was a big big heart… true love….of harriettes….

Who may you ask is the Bride to be……hmmm from the Beaton Clan of course, but which daughter you may ask……Freebie!!!  She looked beautiful in her whites and shame her sneakers weren’t new.  But then something “old” did the trick…”borrow”…. Veil….”Blue”… didn’t get to see that bit… bet it was somewhere though!!

Mother of the Bride Roll On… was fluffing around in her kilt…..making sure that champagne was flowing for all to celebrate, so much excitement.  Next we hear from Anyname time to charge the glasses……hear hear cheers cheers, She’s true Blue!!!  Whoops forgot the Bridesmaids Toast.  Photo shoot….. Bride, Bridesmaids….oh my, not mummsy Roll On. Next it’s a flip of the kilt…true Harriette Style… for all to see, what a charming bunch those Beatons are!!!!

Clair… one of the Bridesmaids

Cookie and Mrs Slowcome
Oh no, there is more excitement in the room… Mrs Slowcome doesn’t like her name… why…. Mrs Slowcome is an English name not Scottish.  After some very very  noisy opinions…consulting with the Harriettes, it was decided, hear, hear!! Hear me now….. announcement… please note in all scribes, tablets, in stone and set in concrete… Mrs Slowcome is to be known as …. drum roll……. Mrs MacSlowcome!!!!

Special Runs:
Wombat  –  369 runs… and what a woman, how Wombat handled the huge pink willy, fancy a screwing of the cap at the same time, how talented you are Wombat.  Talk about 50 shades of pink!!!

Birthdays and Celebrations:
Celebration of course the Wedding Cake!!!


Kebab…shooosh, its unbelievable what a marvellous birthday cake made especially by Anyname, who is the most talented cake maker, made with her own hands. Even the name is spelled correctly.  Can even see without glasses, just in case you didn’t know, Kebab and Anyname jet setting again this weekend …. guess where????  Remember mums the word, what said at hash stays at hash!!

Bitchy Britches:
Comet doesn’t have them, have left at home….Lone Ranger, wants to speak up, sorry, cant hear a bloody thing… so much chatter in the stalls.

Lone Ranger was telling story about a bow tie, not just any bow tie, but one made so well, even Roll On, didn’t even notice it was made of two penis’ bow tie….that’s OK Roll On, so much on her mind with her daughters wedding plans.

Roll On – what a cheapskate holding wedding, mother of the bride, not asked to speak Ball Breaker.

Tip’Mcharges….Sarge and Camel as they spilled drink on CTD’s chair.

Double D says thankyou for driving in the car with Skimpy says I know where to go,  next viewed is a sign says dog grooming with paws (whoops this was meant to be the ON ON FOOT on display hash sign).

General Business:
Unruling Christmas run $5 presents, flyer is coming out soon.  Quiet, bangers xmas bunnies…..

Rottnest list being put together see Jewells for information.

Quillow – silent auction…Shorty take the floor…sitting down has sore feet… quillow is made from Muddy’s T-shirts there will be a silent auction for financial members only.  All proceeds will go to the Melanoma WA, this will be held over the three Tuesdays.  Opening bid starts at $50… Gorgeous says…thought it was suppose to be a silent bid!!!

Did you know….. 75yrs this weekend, is when Hashing first started… charge the glasses for a celebratory drink!!

Two sparkling new eskys’ please do not sit on them

 Gossip Girl – Christmas Eve, token run for those who would like to come, hands up for catering purposes.  Lucky Jeremy will be cooking, what a great cook he is…. Gossip Girl you are a lucky girl!! Also hang on a minute… more excitement …a celebration birthday special  Super has asked OK to bring Mac, its his birthday.. what a celebration it will be!!!